On the road to Valibona
About 6 hours Length of route: about 13 km Height difference: about 600m
What we will see:
Monte Maggiore, Valibona Memorial, Calvana Mountains
Meeting point:
Clay pigeon shooting - Via di Montemaggiore - Le Croci di Calenzano View the map
What you need:
Comfortable shoes, umbrella or mackintosh, water, towel or blanket to lay on the grass, snack at everyone's discretion.
10€/6-12 years old
According to availability and customer requests, we can personalize the itinerary and its duration. Price starts at 140€.
15% off for possessors of AT Transportation Pass
Sconto 50% per soci Chianti Mutua
Included in the Tour:
Hiking Guide
"Black Wolves," that was the name of the brigade led by partisan Lanciotto Ballerini, based on Mount Morello.
In January 1944 in Valibona stood a barn in which a group of 17 young partisans, led by Ballerini himself, had found shelter; on the night of January 3 to 4, the brigade was attacked by some 150 to 200 fascists, who had reached Valibona by climbing the Calvana from two different points: from La Briglia, in Vaiano, and from Calenzano.
Today in Valibona, a memorial stands in place of the barn, commemorating what we can consider one of the first real battles between anti-fascists and republicans. This will be one of the stops on our trek.
Leaving the cars behind, we will walk the route to Mt. Majors, where, if we are lucky, we may encounter the herds of horses that live in the wild in these areas, then head to Valibona, for a visit to the memorial and a lunch stop.